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kevin. triunfa con la primera transacción NFC de cuenta a cuenta en iPhone


En un evento innovador destinado a trastornar el panorama de los pagos en tiendas, kevin., pionero en tecnología de pagos, ha realizado con éxito la primera transacción NFC de cuenta a cuenta en un iPhone. Vídeo de la transacción: enlace En un mundo financiero donde la conveniencia y la seguridad son primordiales, kevin. ha establecido un nuevo pináculo al ejecutar el primer pago NFC de cuenta a cuenta que no es Apple Pay en un iPhone. Este salto tecnológico sigue la presión de la Comisión Europea sobre Apple para democratizar el acceso a NFC. Esto llega después de años en los que el estricto control de Apple sobre la tecnología NFC en dispositivos iOS había sofocado la competencia de terceros. Pavel Sokolovas, cofundador de kevin., articula la magnitud de este momento: “Superar las barreras finales de los pagos NFC en dispositivos iOS representa un verdadero momento trascendental. Estamos inmensamente orgullosos de ser los primeros en proporcionar transacciones de cuenta a cuenta utilizando NFC de Apple, dando a los consumidores el poder de elegir cómo pagan.” En enero de 2022, kevin. hizo olas al habilitar este método de pago innovador para los usuarios de Android, un movimiento elogiado por su originalidad y empuje hacia un ecosistema de pagos abierto. Ahora, con los cambios regulatorios en marcha, kevin. obtuvo rápidamente la autorización bajo el Programa de Derechos NFC de Apple y se embarcó en el desarrollo en su entorno controlado. Justamente seis semanas después del lanzamiento del programa de Apple, kevin. celebró la ejecución exitosa de la transacción experimental en modo de desarrollo, preparando el escenario para lo que podría revolucionar las interacciones en el punto de venta (POS). Sokolovas delineó el viaje técnico: “Hemos estado desarrollando rigurosamente dentro del marco arquitectónico de Apple. Nuestro equipo trabajó incansablemente para integrar nuestra solución técnica de kevin. dentro de la emulación de tarjeta anfitrión (HCE) de Apple, incluyendo estándares de seguridad, validación de transacciones y mucho más para crear una experiencia sin fisuras que permita a los usuarios realizar transacciones desde sus aplicaciones bancarias o de billetera.” La Comisión Europea continúa monitoreando los comentarios de los primeros desarrolladores como kevin. mientras anticipa el inicio oficial de una implementación más amplia de NFC. Este escrutinio subraya la dedicación de la Comisión para fomentar la innovación y la competencia equitativa en la esfera de pagos móviles. Mirando hacia el futuro, la industria anticipa un aumento en soluciones de pago similares tras este éxito inicial. kevin. de hecho ha establecido un precedente dominante, prometiendo un mercado abierto donde los consumidores ya no están limitados por plataformas de pago específicas del dispositivo — una reconfiguración fundamental de cómo se realizan transacciones en todo el mundo. kevin. es una empresa de tecnología visionaria que está reformando los sistemas de pagos para las necesidades del mañana. Desde sus oficinas centrales en Europa hasta la reciente expansión en el bullicioso centro financiero de Dubái, la misión de kevin. ha sido consistente: ofrecer tecnología de punta a punta confiable y ahorros significativos en tarifas por transacción sin cambiar la forma en que las personas pagan. La introducción de su red de aceptación de pagos multiarrendataria y agnóstica de la marca marca un cambio significativo para consumidores y empresas por igual, otorgando autonomía y valor sin los impedimentos de la tecnología heredada. Descargar: logotipo de Kevin, imagen de Pavel Sokolovas y vídeo de la transacción de iOS: enlace - termina - Acerca de kevin. kevin. es una empresa de tecnología pionera con la misión de revolucionar los sistemas de pagos heredados. Con una infraestructura recién construida, kevin. hace que las transacciones sean más eficientes, seguras y convenientes tanto para ventas digitales como físicas. La red de aceptación de pagos multiarrendataria de la compañía es de etiqueta blanca, agnóstica de la marca y sin intermediarios, ofreciendo a los socios el control completo de sus procesos de pago en tienda. Esto les permite desbloquear un valor mayor a través de nuevos servicios, tasas de conversión mejoradas y lealtad de clientes reforzada. La red de kevin. redefine los pagos internacionales, asegurando una infraestructura de pago NFC de cuenta a cuenta segura y sin fisuras para terminales POS en todo el mundo. Esta innovación ofrece una experiencia de 'tap and go', compatible con dispositivos Android y iOS, haciendo los pagos internacionales tan familiares como los locales. kevin. cuenta con el respaldo de Accel, Eurazeo y otros inversores, incluyendo OTB Ventures, Speedinvest, Open Ocean y Global Paytech Venture. Compromiso con el Ecosistema El objetivo de kevin. es empoderar a todos los jugadores en el ecosistema de pago, incluyendo bancos, billeteras digitales, minoristas y otros. La compañía permite a estas entidades lanzar sus propios esquemas independientes no tarjetas o expandir sus servicios conectándose con una red existente en la plataforma de kevin. Contact Details NettResults Relaciones Públicas Nick Leighton +1 949-478-5880 Company Website

April 11, 2024 07:50 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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kevin. triomphe avec la première transaction NFC de compte à compte sur iPhone


Dans un événement révolutionnaire destiné à bouleverser le paysage des paiements en magasin, kevin., un pionnier de la technologie de paiement, a réussi la toute première transaction NFC de compte à compte sur un iPhone. Vidéo de la transaction: lien Dans un monde financier où la commodité et la sécurité sont de la plus haute importance, kevin. a établi un nouveau sommet en exécutant le premier paiement NFC de compte à compte non-Apple Pay sur un iPhone. Ce bond technologique fait suite à la pression exercée par la Commission européenne sur Apple pour démocratiser l'accès au NFC. Cela survient après des années durant lesquelles le contrôle strict d'Apple sur la technologie NFC dans les appareils iOS avait étouffé la concurrence de tiers. Pavel Sokolovas, co-fondateur de kevin., exprime l'ampleur de ce moment: « Briser les dernières barrières des paiements NFC sur les appareils iOS représente un véritable moment charnière. Nous sommes immensément fiers d'être les premiers à fournir des transactions de compte à compte en utilisant le NFC d'Apple, donnant aux consommateurs le pouvoir de choisir leur mode de paiement. » En janvier 2022, kevin. a fait sensation en activant cette méthode de paiement innovante pour les utilisateurs Android, démarche saluée pour son originalité et sa volonté vers un écosystème de paiement ouvert. Maintenant, avec les changements réglementaires en cours, kevin. a rapidement obtenu l'autorisation dans le cadre du programme d'entitlement NFC d'Apple et a commencé le développement dans leur environnement contrôlé. Juste six semaines après le lancement du programme d'Apple, kevin. célébrait l'exécution réussie de la transaction expérimentale en mode développement, préparant le terrain pour ce qui pourrait révolutionner les interactions aux points de vente (POS). Sokolovas a décrit le parcours technique: « Nous avons développé de manière rigoureuse dans le cadre architectural d'Apple. Notre équipe a travaillé sans relâche pour intégrer notre solution technique kevin. dans l'émulation de carte hôte (HCE) d'Apple, comprenant les normes de sécurité, la validation des transactions et bien plus encore pour créer une expérience transparente permettant aux utilisateurs des transactions à partir de leurs applications bancaires ou de portefeuille. » La Commission européenne continue de surveiller les retours des premiers développeurs comme kevin. tout en anticipant le démarrage officiel d'une mise en œuvre plus large du NFC. Cette surveillance souligne l'engagement de la Commission à favoriser l'innovation et la concurrence équitable dans le domaine des paiements mobiles. Le secteur anticipe une montée en flèche de solutions de paiement similaires à la suite de ce succès initial. kevin. a en effet établi un précédent dominant, promettant un marché ouvert où les consommateurs ne sont plus limités par des plateformes de paiement spécifiques aux dispositifs - une refonte fondamentale de la façon dont les transactions sont menées dans le monde entier. kevin. est une entreprise de technologie visionnaire qui redéfinit les systèmes de paiement pour répondre aux besoins de demain. De son siège mondial en Europe à son récent expansion dans le centre financier animé de Dubaï, la mission de kevin. a été constante: offrir une technologie de bout en bout fiable et des économies substantielles sur les frais de transaction sans changer la façon dont les gens paient. L'introduction de leur réseau d'acceptation de paiement multi-locataire et indépendant de la marque marque une évolution significative pour les consommateurs et les entreprises, accordant l'autonomie et la valeur sans les contraintes de la technologie héritée. Télécharger: logo Kevin, image de Pavel Sokolovas et vidéo de transaction iOS: lien - fin - À propos de kevin. kevin. est une entreprise de technologie pionnière dont la mission est de révolutionner les systèmes de paiement hérités. Avec une infrastructure nouvellement construite, kevin. rend les transactions plus efficaces, sécurisées et pratiques pour les ventes numériques et physiques. Son réseau d'acceptation de paiements multi-locataire est blanc de marque, indépendant de la marque et sans intermédiaire, offrant aux partenaires un contrôle complet de leurs processus de paiement en magasin. Cela les habilite à débloquer une plus grande valeur grâce à de nouveaux services, des taux de conversion améliorés et une fidélité client renforcée. Le réseau kevin. redéfinit les paiements internationaux, assurant une infrastructure de paiement NFC sécurisée de compte à compte pour les terminaux POS dans le monde entier. Cette innovation offre une expérience de 'tap and go', compatible avec les appareils Android et iOS, rendant les paiements internationaux aussi familiers que les paiements locaux. kevin. est soutenu par Accel, Eurazeo et d'autres investisseurs, y compris OTB Ventures, Speedinvest, Open Ocean et Global Paytech Venture. Engagement envers l'écosystème L'objectif de kevin. est d'autonomiser tous les acteurs de l'écosystème de paiement, y compris les banques, les portefeuilles numériques, les détaillants et autres. L'entreprise permet à ces entités de lancer leurs propres schémas indépendants non-carte ou d'élargir leurs services en se connectant à un réseau existant sur la plateforme kevin. Contact Details NettResults Relations Publiques Nick Leighton +1 949-478-5880 Company Website

April 11, 2024 07:50 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Ripple to Issue USD-Backed Stablecoin, NEAR Protocol and KangaMoon Continue Stunning Growth


Ripple announces stablecoin market entry and the price of XRP can reach $1.30 by Q4, 2024 NEAR Protocol rises 266.5% and can rise to $10.48 by the end of 2024 KangaMoon raises over $4.4 million and can spike 100x following its complete launch Ripple (XRP) has seen an increased level of interest as the company Ripple, a leading provider for blockchain-based and crypto solutions for enterprises, has announced plans for the launch of a stablecoin backed by the U.S. dollar, marking its entry into a $154.7 billion stablecoin market. Alongside it, NEAR Protocol (NEAR) has exploded in value 266.5% year-to-date (YTD) and could soon reach new heights. However, the most gains were made by KangaMoon ( KANG ) which is up 290%, and at this rate could surge further up. To see which is the top crypto to buy, we will go over their on-chart metrics. Ripple (XRP) to Grow to $1.30 Following Latest Stablecoin Market Entry Announcement Ripple (XRP) has experienced an upwards trend as its year-to-date (YTD) climb has been by 20.4%. However, it is yet to achieve significant gains, and these will come during 2024 following the latest announcement that the Ripple company will be entering the $154.7 billion stablecoin market. According to the official blog post, this will be a stablecoin which will be 100% backed by USD deposits, alongside short-term US government treasuries and even other cash equivalents. The stablecoin will be available on the XRP Ledger. However, they will also make it a part of the Ethereum blockchain, however, there are plans to expand to additional blockchains and decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols. The Ripple price has moved between $0.56 to $0.61 during the past week, and at this rate could reach new heights. However, the Ripple crypto will first need to gain additional investor and whale attention in order to spike in value. Based on the Ripple price prediction however, it can end 2024 at $1.30. NEAR Protocol (NEAR) Grows 266.5% YTD – Price to Reach $10.48 NEAR Protocol (NEAR) has experienced much further gains as its year-to-date (YTD) climb was by 266.5% in the past year. Moreover, during the past month, the NEAR Protocol price has gone up 19.1%, and in the past week it moved up by 10%. During this time-frame, the NEAR Protocol crypto went up from $6.16 to $7.53, and could soon break even above the $8 price barrier. If it does so, it is set to reach new heights as according to the NEAR Protocol price prediction, it can spike to $10.48 by Q4, 2024. KangaMoon (KANG) to Grow 100x Following Its Launch KangaMoon (KANG) is an upcoming project that will introduce Social-Fi elements and a community-driven approach, alongside Play-to-Earn (P2E) features. With its current rate of growth, it managed to spike 280%, as it moved from $0.005 to $0.0196. In addition, its raised $4,463,830.183 and could soon break above $5 million raised. On top of this platform, anyone can earn KANG tokens or NFTs by engaging with their KangaMoon characters. They can battle other players, complete tournaments, or even spectate and place bets on fights. Another major part of its ecosystem is the marketplace in which anyone can buy, sell or trade NFTs. Analysts are now bullish on the future of KangaMoon and project a 100x price increase following its full launch, as it is now at Stage 5 of its blockchain ICO. These aspects position it as the best crypto to invest in now. Discover the Exciting Opportunities of the KangaMoon (KANG) Presale Today! Website: Join Our Telegram Community: Integrating GameFi and Play To EarnEmbark on your quest for glory. Assemble your champions, engage in epic battles or bet on your favorite fighters to earn $KANG tokens and exclusive rewards. Gain control of rare NFTs, unlock exclusive content and build alliances with fellow gamers as you ascend the ranks and leaderboards. Contact Details Kangamoon Company Website

April 10, 2024 08:08 AM Central Daylight Time

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Kartoon Studios (AMEX: TOON) Releases 2023 Financial Report With $44.1 Million In Revenue


By Faith Ashmore, Benzinga Kartoon Studios (AMEX: TOON), a global company specializing in creating, producing, distributing, marketing and licensing entertainment brands, has announced its 2023 financial results to shareholders. With a diverse portfolio of original animated content, including popular shows such as Stan Lee's Superhero Kindergarten, Shaq's Garage, Rainbow Rangers and Llama Llama, Kartoon Studios has established itself as a prominent player in the children’s media industry. For the quarter that ended on December 31, 2023, Kartoon Studios recorded revenue of $8.8 million, contributing to the annual revenue of $44.1 million. As of December 31, 2023, Kartoon Studios had assets totaling $57.1 million, working capital amounting to $11.5 million and a total stockholders' equity of $53.3 million. The company’s streaming platform Kartoon Channel! was key to 2023’s results. Notably, the company reached a break-even point for operating income in the fourth quarter of last year. In comparison, it took Netflix (NASDAQ: NFLX) six years to break even. The paid subscriber base for Kartoon Channel! grew by 19% in 2023 compared to the previous year. The company’s production arm, Mainframe Studios, also experienced growth in 2023, having seemingly recovered with ease after industry-wide strikes by actors and writers last year. With a growing sales pipeline and newly greenlit projects, the company projects that Mainframe Studios willl generate more than $40 million in revenue. Implementing Cost Savings The company’s new Chief Financial Officer, Brian Parisi, commented, "Kartoon Studios remains steadfast in its commitment to maximizing our operational efficiency and implementing stringent cost management practices, all with the goal of achieving sustained, long-term, profitable growth. We are actively pursuing a detailed plan aimed at lowering operational costs throughout the organization while growing revenue alongside the recovery of the overall industry.” “Our efforts are bearing fruit, as evidenced by the decline in our loss from operations in Q4 2023, net of impairment, by 39% from Q4 2022 and 48% from Q3 2023. In my first five months at the company, we have already identified more than $3.5 million of additional annual cost savings across the business, which we believe will further reduce our loss from operations and pave the way to achieve our goal of sustainable and growing profitability, as our key brands begin to grow and flourish,” he said. Kartoon Studios reports that its kids and family media agency, Beacon Media Group, has also defied industry trends by driving 16% quarterly growth compared to Q4 2022, achieving its highest quarterly revenue since 2021. “Under the leadership of Cindy Kelly, President of Beacon Media Group, the company has broadened its horizons by welcoming six new advertisers and pushing the boundaries with innovative marketing campaigns. Cindy has been instrumental not only in driving business growth amidst a challenging market but also in forging valuable synergies between Beacon Media, Kartoon Channel!, and our Mainframe Studios subsidiary in Canada. Her efforts have positioned Beacon Media Group as a leader in the kids and family media and marketing space, and today represents more toy companies than any other media agency,” Andy Heyward, Chairman & CEO of Kartoon Studios, added. Going into 2024, the company has stated that it will be further focusing on the Stan Lee brand and implementing AI across the organization, with significant initiatives underway. These initiatives aim to propel the Stan Lee brand further and enhance operational efficiency through the use of AI technology. The CEO is confident about the prospects of the company, sharing “Kartoon Channel! has evolved into a leading destination for children's entertainment, offering thousands of episodes of meticulously curated, safe and family-friendly content. We believe our streaming services, bolstered by strong market reach, and the high quality of our service—as evidenced by our consistent 4.9 out of 5 stars rating on the Apple app store, are poised to be a significant driver of Kartoon Studios' growth strategy moving forward. We continue to be the highest ranked streaming service in the Apple app store, amongst our key competitors, including Netflix Kids, Disney+ MAX, Cartoon Network, and Nickelodeon.” Featured photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash. Benzinga is a leading financial media and data provider, known for delivering accurate, timely, and actionable financial information to empower investors and traders. This post contains sponsored content. This content is for informational purposes only and not intended to be investing advice. Contact Details Benzinga +1 877-440-9464 Company Website

April 10, 2024 08:45 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Ripple CEO's Claims Crypto Market Will Explode to $5T; Polkadot and KangaMoon Steal the Show


The Ripple (XRP) CEO recently said that the crypto market value is on track to reach $5T. This has made traders scramble to get into the crypto market. Two altcoins have captured the spotlight in this space - Polkadot (DOT) and KangaMoon (KANG). While you may be familiar with DOT, KANG is a Stage 5 presale star that may surge by 50x in 2024. Ripple (XRP) CEO: Crypto Market To Double in Size The CEO of Ripple (XRP), Brad Garlinghouse, predicted that the cryptocurrency market's cap could exceed $5T before the end of this year. In an interview with CNBC, the Ripple CEO cited macroeconomic factors such as the first US Bitcoin spot ETF and the upcoming BTC halving event as reasons for this growth. The Ripple crypto value has fluctuated between $0.62 and $0.60 in the past 30 days alone. Its market cap fell from $34.10B to $33.40B during that time. However, the technical analysis for Ripple paints a bullish picture. For instance, there are 25 green technical indicators for this altcoin. Due to all this bullish Ripple news, analysts foresee a growth to $0.87 within Q2 of 2024. Polkadot (DOT): Active Addresses Reach 600K – a New Record Meanwhile, Polkadot (DOT) is another altcoin that has been making headlines. In other words, Polkadot recently announced that its activity continues rising. For example, there are now over 600,000 on-chain active addresses on the Polkadot blockchain. This Polkadot news may trigger a rally for this crypto, which has grown in value from $6.21 to $9 over the past 12 months. Its market cap surged from $7.30B to $12.68B in that period. Additionally, the Polkadot crypto trades above its 50 and 100-day EMAs. As a result, experts in the crypto field predict DOT will hit $12.84 before Q2 of 2024 ends. KangaMoon (KANG): To Top the Best Altcoin List Amid Ripple and Polkadot gaining traction, KangaMoon (KANG) has emerged as one of the best altcoins to buy. This rising presale star has already raised over $4.4M, and projections hint at a growth to $5M before April 2024 ends. Not only that, it has already provided early buyers with a 290% ROI—a stellar performance for a presale. This altcoin's long-term growth potential is stellar since it will tap into the P2E gaming sector, which has been projected to reach $885M. KangaMoon is getting ready to introduce a P2E game where its native token, KANG, will be the main in-game currency. KANG holders will access weekly, monthly, or quarterly challenges and earn more tokens or in-game assets. Another exciting aspect of KangaMoon is its community-driven focus. For instance, KangaMoon will give the most active community members free KANG before its launch. Therefore, over 20,000 registered community members now like and share KangaMoon's social media posts. Currently, this altcoin costs just $0.0196 as it is in Stage 5 of its presale—a big increase from its starting price of $0.005. If things keep on going up, analysts expect a 50x surge once KANG is listed on a Tier-1 CEX in Q2 of 2024. Due to all these reasons, KANG is one of the best altcoins to watch in 2024. Will KangaMoon Surge Faster than Ripple and Polkadot? KangaMoon can potentially surge ahead of other altcoins like Ripple and Polkadot. This is because KANG has a low market cap of $19.6M, which means it requires way less money for its price to increase. If you are interested in this altcoin, follow the links below and get a 10% bonus. Discover the Exciting Opportunities of the KangaMoon (KANG) Presale Today! Website: Join Our Telegram Community: Integrating GameFi and Play To EarnEmbark on your quest for glory. Assemble your champions, engage in epic battles or bet on your favorite fighters to earn $KANG tokens and exclusive rewards. Gain control of rare NFTs, unlock exclusive content and build alliances with fellow gamers as you ascend the ranks and leaderboards. Contact Details Kangamoon Company Website

April 09, 2024 11:00 AM Central Daylight Time

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National Comcast RISE Program Set to Give 100 Southeast Texas Small Businesses Grants, Tech-Makeovers, Marketing Support and More

Comcast Texas

Today, Comcast announced Houston would be one of five cities from which eligible small businesses can apply to its nationally recognized Comcast RISE program for the opportunity to receive business support grants. The program will provide a total of $500,000 in grants plus technology make-overs, marketing support, media schedules, coaching sessions and education support. “Small businesses are the backbone of our economy and are essential to building strong and thriving local communities,” said Loren Hudson, SVP and Chief Diversity Officer at Comcast. “Comcast RISE is proud to help strengthen and empower these businesses and entrepreneurs to expand and grow.” Beginning on May 1 through May 31, eligible businesses in Houston; Atlanta, GA; Southern Colorado; Jacksonville, FL and Richmond, VA can apply for a chance to receive a grant package at One hundred businesses per city, 500 in total, will be awarded business support grants that will include: COACHING SESSIONS - General business assessment and coaching that provides business owners with recommendations on how to grow their businesses. EDUCATION RESOURCES - 12-month access to online entrepreneurship courses, learning modules and resources for small business owners. MONETARY GRANT - $5,000 monetary grant. CREATIVE PRODUCTION & MEDIA - Turnkey production of a 30-second TV commercial, plus a media strategy consultation and 180-day media placement schedule. (Taxes and other fees may apply for production and media services.) COMCAST BUSINESS TECHNOLOGY MAKEOVER - Computer equipment, Internet, voice and cybersecurity services for 12 months. (Taxes and other fees may apply for tech makeover services.) Past Houston area Comcast RISE recipients include Mala Sichuan Bistro, LAMIK Beauty and 132 Design. “Comcast RISE came in with support at the perfect time. We didn't just expand our office and reach; we were instantly plugged into a community of support,” said Ashley Gomez, co-founder of 132 Design. “Being part of the Comcast RISE family truly opened the floodgates to new opportunities. Now we are helping to lift other businesses here in the city we love.” Comcast RISE is part of Project UP, the company’s comprehensive initiative to advance digital equity through programs and partnerships that connect people to the Internet, advance economic mobility and open doors for the next generation of innovators, entrepreneurs, storytellers and creators. Now in its fourth year, Comcast RISE has nationally awarded 13,500 small businesses over $125 million in monetary, marketing, and technology grants. More information and the applications to apply are available at About Comcast Corporation: Comcast Corporation (Nasdaq: CMCSA) is a global media and technology company. From the connectivity and platforms we provide, to the content and experiences we create, our businesses reach hundreds of millions of customers, viewers, and guests worldwide. We deliver world-class broadband, wireless, and video through Xfinity, Comcast Business, and Sky; produce, distribute, and stream leading entertainment, sports, and news through brands including NBC, Telemundo, Universal, Peacock, and Sky; and bring incredible theme parks and attractions to life through Universal Destinations & Experiences. Visit for more information. About Comcast Business: Comcast Business offers a broad suite of technology solutions to keep businesses of all sizes ready for what’s next. With a range of offerings including connectivity, secure networking, advanced cybersecurity, and unified communications solutions, Comcast Business is partnering with business and technology leaders across industries and integrating Masergy, a leader in software defined networking, to help drive businesses forward. Backed by a next-generation network, Comcast Business has been recognized for its growth, innovation, and leadership in global secure networking. For more information, call 800-501-6000. Follow on X @ComcastBusiness and on other social media networks at Contact Details Comcast Texas ilona Carson +1 346-624-2074 Company Website

April 09, 2024 07:02 AM Central Daylight Time

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Analyst Wick Hints a Bitcoin Cash Comeback, KangaMoon Nears $4.5M, As Stacks Dips


In a recent development, Crypto Analyst Wick sheds light on predictions for Bitcoin Cash during a compelling episode of the widely-followed Trading Alpha show. His analysis echoes sentiments expressed in previous discussions, prompting a closer examination of the current trend, particularly Bitcoin Cash's bullish stage 2 structure. Meanwhile, Stacks (STX) faces uncertainties as recent fluctuations spark concerns. On the horizon, KangaMoon (KANG) emerges as a top pick for the next bull run cycle, dazzling with a 290% surge and innovative features. As its community expands, analysts foresee a promising trajectory, solidifying KangaMoon's status as a crypto gem for 2024. KangaMoon (KANG): The Next Big Thing in April 2024? An upriser in the meme coin market, KangaMoon (KANG) has impressively risen above the majority of its peers. Among the multitude of new launches, KangaMoon stands out with its innovative features and remarkable performance during its ongoing presale phase. With over $4.2 million raised in presale funding, KangaMoon has captured the interest of investors seeking entry into its network. The surge in value of the KangaMoon token has been nothing short of remarkable. Within a few weeks of commencing its presale, the price of the KANG token has skyrocketed by an astounding 290%, climbing from an initial offering price of $0.005 to $0.0196 in the fifth stage. This rapid increase in value underscores the growing confidence in KangaMoon's vision and its potential to disrupt the meme coin space and the broader crypto market. With its unique blend of SocialFi and GameFi’s Play-to-Earn model, users can earn rewards in KANG tokens by participating in various battle contests and periodic social challenges. As KangaMoon's community continues to expand, boasting over 20K registered members, including over 6K token holders, it appears well-positioned for sustained growth. Meanwhile, analysts are optimistic about KangaMoon’s future, and predict it to surge at least 20X before the end of the year, thereby positioning it as a top crypto coin to watch in the coming months. Crypto Analyst Wick Suggests Predictions for Bitcoin Cash Price Crypto analyst Wick recently shared insights on Bitcoin Cash during a recent episode of the popular Trading Alpha show, echoing sentiments expressed in prior discussions. Now, the focus is on whether the current trend, marked by a bullish stage 2 structure, will hold. In the weekly price chart, Bitcoin Cash token reflected a little above 18% increase, trading from $557.3 to $699.9. Meanwhile, investors are eagerly watching for any shifts in market dynamics, ready to react accordingly. With significant potential movement ahead, all eyes are on Bitcoin Cash as it navigates this critical phase. With these projections, investors are closely monitoring whether Bitcoin Cash price will possibly cross the $700 price mark in the coming week. Stacks: Analysts Projection for the Road Ahead Stacks (STX) has been on quite a run lately, but there are concerns about its price movements. While Stacks price reflects over 9% gain in the past month, going from $2.25 to $3.8, recent movements tell a different story. Just in the last week, the native Stacks token took a nearly 5% hit, dropping from $3.45 to $3.27. Now, there are signs of a bearish pullback, which could put a damper on the current excitement. The trading volume for Stacks network is slowing down, indicating less action in the market. Still, there's a chance it could turn things around, especially considering its tie-in with Bitcoin as a layer 2 technology. Some analysts are hopeful that Stacks price could even hit $6 and rank as a top cryptocurrency in the second quarter. Discover the Exciting Opportunities of the KangaMoon (KANG) Presale Today! Website: Join Our Telegram Community: Integrating GameFi and Play To EarnEmbark on your quest for glory. Assemble your champions, engage in epic battles or bet on your favorite fighters to earn $KANG tokens and exclusive rewards. Gain control of rare NFTs, unlock exclusive content and build alliances with fellow gamers as you ascend the ranks and leaderboards. Contact Details Kangamoon Company Website

April 09, 2024 05:07 AM Central Daylight Time

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Vitalik Buterin Reveals Ethereum Update, Litecoin and KangaMoon Top Gainers This Week


As Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin announces network upgrades that are centered around simplification, security reinforcement, and operational efficiency for Ethereum network, investors are taking a position in Litecoin (LTC) and KangaMoon (KANG) at the start of the second quarter. In Particular, the Litecoin token is bouncing back from a recent downturn that suggests an imminent bullish reversal. On the other hand, KangaMoon has managed to raise substantial capital through its presale stage. Having crossed over the $4 million presale funding milestone, KangaMoon exhibits strong market presence and increasing adoption while offering huge potential in the meme coin and DeFi market. Vitalik Buterin Releases New Update For Ethereum (ETH) To Aid Seamless Usage Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum, has just dropped updates and improvements to the Ethereum network. One important change is EIP-6780, which makes the network simpler and more secure by optimizing a certain code (SELFDESTRUCT). They also removed unnecessary code from the Ethereum network and used a method called "precompiles" to make certain tasks on Ethereum faster and more efficient. With Ethereum currently experiencing a declining momentum, these updates should help it regain some vigor due to how they’ll help Ethereum run smoother and safer now. Ethereum token is holding in a weekly price range of $3,315.21 and $3,664.36 despite declining by 8.52% this past week. KangaMoon (KANG) Completes Its Fourth Stage Presale As It Raises Over $4M in Revenue Pioneering the first GameFi and SocialFi platform in the meme coin space, KangaMoon (KANG) is burgeoning as the token has seen an impressive growth rate that is beyond expectations. Still in its presale phase, KangaMoon has just completed the fourth stage and is now entering the 5th stage presale with a new price of $0.0196 for each $KANG tokens. The recent rise in KangaMoon token to $0.0196 from its initial price of $0.005, marks a 290% ROI for early buyers of the token. Due to its monumental growth, investors are increasingly flocking to KangaMoon as its community of registered members now surpasses 20,000 with an average of 5,000 KANG holders recorded. As KangaMoon begins the 5th stage of its presale to set the pace for its Q2 plans, the token has amassed over $4M in presale funding with analysts predicting that it could break the $5M funding milestone before the end of April. Apart from its financial allure, KangaMoon is also attracting investors and traders from both the meme coin and DeFi market due to its social media community earning incentive. While in its presale, the social media earning incentive grants new and existing users KANG token in return for sharing posts and commenting on KangaMoon social media pages. This side attraction is only a tip of the iceberg, compared to the battle contests, gaming challenges which grants you opportunities to claim tokens prizes and rewards as well as NFTs in the main KangaMoon ecosystem. Litecoin (LTC) Recovers From A Brief Downturn in Price Despite mostly maintaining a bullish and positive momentum this past week, Litecoin token still fell to volatility as the token couldn’t avoid declining below its weekly highs, almost reaching its weekly support of $91.40, however, Litecoin quickly regained stance as it managed to total a 9.41% rise while it holds in a weekly price range of $88.40 and $110.85. In the past month, Litecoin has also been able to rise by 11.82%. With Litecoin futures currently listed on Coinbase and Bitcoin halving incoming, Litecoin holders can expect a potential price increase. Discover the Exciting Opportunities of the KangaMoon (KANG) Presale Today! Website: Join Our Telegram Community: Integrating GameFi and Play To EarnEmbark on your quest for glory. Assemble your champions, engage in epic battles or bet on your favorite fighters to earn $KANG tokens and exclusive rewards. Gain control of rare NFTs, unlock exclusive content and build alliances with fellow gamers as you ascend the ranks and leaderboards. Contact Details Kangamoon Company Website

April 07, 2024 11:00 AM Central Daylight Time

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Bitwise Applies for Ethereum (ETH) ETF – Maker (MKR) and KangaMoon (KANG) Display Bullish Metrics


Despite regulatory challenges, Bitwise Asset Management has taken a major step forward in the cryptocurrency market by applying to an Ethereum (ETH) Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF). However, the Bitwise CIO Matt Hougan argued that the SEC should delay the approval until December. As a result, traders and investors are now moving their attention towards Maker (MKR) and KangaMoon (KANG), which are displaying bullish on-chart metrics. By the end, we will see why these are the best crypto to invest in. Ethereum (ETH) Grows Following ETF Proposal – Price to Reach Over $5,000 Soon Bitwise is the latest asset management firm that has taken a step towards entering the crypto market, through applying for an Ethereum (ETH) ETF. The total year-to-date (YTD) climb for the crypto was at 83.3%. Moreover, during the past week, the Ethereum price also witnessed a significant uptrend where it went from a low point at $3,315.21 to a maximum value of $3,647.24. As a result, sentiment is bullish on its future of the Ethereum crypto, as many are projecting that it can spike to over $4,000 by Q4. However, according to the Ethereum price prediction, it can end 2024 at $5,407. Maker (MKR) Grows 445.4%- Price to Reach $5,850 by Q4, 2024 Maker (MKR) has also experienced substantial gains in its value, with a year-to-date (YTD) climb of 445.4%. Moreover, during the past 30 days, the total Maker price increase was by 82.7%. During the previous week, the Maker crypto also substantially spiked in value, where it went from a low point of $3,153.90 to a maximum value at $4,021.57, cementing it as one of the largest industry players. According to the Maker price prediction, the crypto can go well above the $4,000 price point, and can reach $5,850 by Q4, 2024. KangaMoon (KANG) Reaches Stage 5 of Presale – Price to Surge 5,000% KangaMoon (KANG) has experienced a remarkable level of growth and this can be attributed to its unique and rich feature-set that includes Social-Fi elements, Play-to-Earn (P2E) features and a community-driven approach. Moreover, the cryptocurrency can be used within its vast ecosystem in various ways. For example, players can earn it by battling one another or engaging in tournaments. By doing so they can then earn rewards. These come in the form of NFTs or KANG tokens. Any rare NFTs gained can then be sold or traded within the dedicated marketplace which is also a part of the platform. Recently, KangaMoon reached a major milestone as it entered Stage 5 of its presale, where its value spiked up 290%, as it increased from a starting value of $0.005 to $0.0196. Moreover, the crypto ICO also raised $4 million and can raise over $5 million by the end of the month. These aspects position KANG as one of the best new cryptos to buy into in 2024 and beyond, as it can spike 5,000% based on the latest projections. Summary Ethereum is getting a lot of attention due to news surrounding its upcoming ETF, and as more companies jump on the project. Its clear however that its not the only one to see growth, as while Maker is bullish, KangaMoon can see the most drastic price increase in the upcoming trading sessions. These aspects make KANG one of the best crypto to invest in. Discover the Exciting Opportunities of the KangaMoon (KANG) Presale Today! Website: Join Our Telegram Community: Integrating GameFi and Play To EarnEmbark on your quest for glory. Assemble your champions, engage in epic battles or bet on your favorite fighters to earn $KANG tokens and exclusive rewards. Gain control of rare NFTs, unlock exclusive content and build alliances with fellow gamers as you ascend the ranks and leaderboards. Disclaimer: The following disclaimer is important to read and understand before engaging with Kangamoon, a play-to-earn meme coin. By accessing or participating in any activities related to Kangamoon, you acknowledge and accept the terms outlined below: 1 No Financial Advice: This whitepaper and any associated content do not constitute financial advice, investment recommendations, or solicitation to purchase Kangamoon tokens. The information provided is for informational purposes only. It is your responsibility to conduct thorough research and seek professional advice before making any financial decisions. 2 Volatility and Risks: Cryptocurrencies, including Kangamoon, are volatile and subject to significant price fluctuations. Investing in or holding Kangamoon tokens involves substantial risks, including the possibility of total loss. Past performance is not indicative of future results. 3 Regulatory Compliance: The regulatory environment surrounding cryptocurrencies is evolving and varies across jurisdictions. It is your responsibility to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations in your country or region before engaging with Kangamoon. 4 Uncertain Market: The market for meme coins and play-to-earn platforms is highly speculative and subject to rapid changes. There is no guarantee of market demand, liquidity, or utility for Kangamoon tokens. Token values may fluctuate drastically and may not reflect the intrinsic value of the project. By continuing to engage with Kangamoon, you acknowledge and accept the risks and limitations outlined in this disclaimer. You should only participate if you fully understand and are willing to assume these risks. Contact Details Kangamoon Company Website

April 07, 2024 09:00 AM Central Daylight Time

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