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Sonus faber choisit la technologie sans fil UWB de SPARK Microsystems pour des enceintes audio domestiques à faible latence

SPARK Microsystems

SPARK Microsystems, une entreprise canadienne de semi-conducteurs spécialisée dans les communications sans fil à courte portée de nouvelle génération, a annoncé aujourd'hui que le fabricant italien de haut-parleurs Sonus faber a choisi la technologie UWB de SPARK pour son système de haut-parleurs sans fil Duetto. La technologie UWB de SPARK permet une transmission de données à faible latence entre les enceintes filaires et les enceintes sans fil, ce qui permet à Sonus faber d'offrir une performance audio non compressée de haute qualité qui ne peut être obtenue avec Bluetooth ou Wi-Fi. Le nouveau système de haut-parleurs Duetto de Sonus faber permet aux clients de profiter de leur système audio domestique Duetto en streaming, le haut-parleur satellite de la paire stéréo étant connecté à l'unité principale à l'aide de la solution SPARK UWB. Le système prend en charge une portée allant jusqu'à 8 mètres pour une flexibilité de placement/positionnement sans compromis en termes de performance audio. Le système, certifié par l'ETSI et la Commission fédérale des communications, permet aux clients de bénéficier d'une connectivité sans fil de haute précision entre les haut-parleurs, maximisant ainsi les options de placement tout en profitant des fonctionnalités et de l'intégration des services musicaux et de la connectivité les plus performants du marché. « Le système de haut-parleurs Duetto de Sonus faber témoigne de l'évolution du marché vers un véritable système audio sans fil qui offre un son de qualité supérieure sans les fils », a déclaré Julie Delamarre, vice-présidente des ventes EMEA de SPARK Microsystems. « Le système de haut-parleurs Duetto est basé sur la technologie UWB de SPARK qui permet un transport de données à faible latence, déterministe, à faible consommation et à haut débit de données, permettant à Sonus faber de fournir un son non compressé à travers des haut-parleurs reliés sans fil - une première dans l'industrie ». L'émetteur-récepteur sans fil SPARK UWB à très faible consommation, faible latence et haut débit offre une nouvelle classe de connectivité sans fil à courte portée pour les applications audio haut de gamme. Offrant des débits de données plus élevés et une meilleure robustesse que les autres solutions sans fil à courte portée - avec une latence extrêmement faible qui ne peut être égalée par Bluetooth ou WiFi - SPARK UWB permet un son non compressé de haute-fidélité pour une expérience audio plus riche et plus immersive. « La technologie UWB de SPARK a été choisie pour le système de haut-parleurs Duetto en raison de ses capacités à délivrer un son non compressé sans fil, sans problème de latence, de variabilité ou de bande passante », déclare Livio Cucuzza, Directeur de la conception, Sonus faber. « Ces capacités offriront à nos clients une expérience supérieure, car ils pourront profiter du son tel qu'il a été conçu à l'origine par les artistes eux-mêmes, avec la flexibilité d'un couplage sans fil entre les haut-parleurs ». À propos de Sonus faber Sonus faber est un concepteur et fabricant de technologies audio haut de gamme, fondé en 1983 dans la région italienne de la Vénétie, mondialement connue pour la fabrication de produits de luxe. En latin, Sonus faber signifie "Artisan du son". L'ingénierie audio de pointe de Sonus faber s'appuie sur les traditions du design italien, en produisant à la main des enceintes dont le design s'inspire d'instruments de musique des derniers siècles, fabriqués à partir de matériaux organiques tels que le bois et le cuir, afin de reproduire le son tel que l'artiste l'a voulu. Alliant la beauté artisanale du passé à la technologie du futur, les systèmes audio Sonus faber offrent un son naturel, immersif et tridimensionnel grâce à de magnifiques enceintes conçues à la main et construites pour durer des décennies. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter À propos de SPARK Microsystems SPARK Microsystems construit la prochaine génération de dispositifs de communication sans fil à courte portée. SPARK fournit des liens de communication sans fil à haut débit et à très faible latence avec un profil de puissance ultra-faible, ce qui le rend idéal pour les réseaux personnels (PAN) utilisés dans les produits mobiles, grand public et connectés à l’IoT. S’appuyant sur des technologies brevetées, SPARK Microsystems s’efforce de minimiser et, à terme, d’éliminer les fils et les batteries d’un large éventail d’applications. Pour plus d’informations, veuillez consulter Contact Details Jenna Beaucage +1 508-340-6851 Company Website

October 05, 2023 10:11 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Sonus faber Chooses SPARK Microsystems’ UWB Wireless Tech for Low Latency Home Audio Speakers

SPARK Microsystems

SPARK Microsystems, a Canadian fabless semiconductor company specializing in next-generation short-range wireless communications, today announced Italian speaker manufacturer Sonus faber has chosen SPARK’s UWB technology for its Duetto wireless speaker system. SPARK’s UWB technology enables low latency data transmission from wired to wireless speakers, allowing Sonus faber to deliver a high-quality, uncompressed audio performance that can’t be achieved with Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. Sonus faber’s new Duetto speaker system enables customers to enjoy their Duetto streaming home audio system with the satellite speaker of the stereo pair being connected to the main unit using the SPARK UWB-based solution. The system supports a range up to 8 meters for unfettered placement/positioning flexibility with no compromises in audio performance. The system, certified by ETSI and the Federal Communications Commission, enables customers to enjoy high precision wireless connectivity between speakers, maximizing placement options whilst enjoying market leading functionality and integration of music services and connectivity. “Sonus faber’s Duetto speaker system demonstrates the market’s evolutionary shift to true wireless audio that delivers premium sound without the wires,” said Julie Delamarre, SPARK Microsystems, Vice President of EMEA Sales. “The Duetto speaker system is based on SPARK’s UWB technology that enables low latency, deterministic, low power, and high-speed data transport, allowing Sonus faber to deliver uncompressed audio across wirelessly-linked speakers – an industry first achievement.” The ultra-low power, low latency and high-throughput SPARK UWB wireless transceiver enables a new class of short-range wireless connectivity for premium audio applications. Offering higher data rates and better robustness than other short-range wireless solutions – with extreme low latency that can’t be matched with Bluetooth or WiFi – SPARK UWB enables high fidelity uncompressed audio for a richer, more immersive audio experience. “SPARK’s UWB technology was chosen for the Duetto speaker system because of its capabilities to deliver uncompressed audio wirelessly with no latency, variability or bandwidth concerns,” said Livio Cucuzza, Chief Design Officer, Sonus faber. “These capabilities will give our customers a superior experience because they can enjoy audio as it was originally intended by the artists themselves, with the flexibility of wireless pairing between speakers.” About Sonus faber Sonus faber is a designer and manufacturer of high-end audio technology, founded in 1983 in Italy’s Veneto region, world-renowned for luxury goods manufacturing. Latin for “Artisan of Sound”, Sonus faber expertly informs their state-of-the-art audio engineering with the traditions of Italian design expertise, hand-producing speakers with design cues inspired by centuries of musical instruments, crafted from organic materials such as wood and leather to reproduce sound as the artist intended. Marrying the artisanal beauty of the past with the technology of the future, Sonus faber audio systems deliver natural, immersive, three-dimensional sound from beautiful, hand-designed speakers built to last for decades. For more information, please visit About SPARK Microsystems​ SPARK Microsystems is building next generation short-range wireless communication devices. SPARK provides high data rate and very low latency wireless communication links at an ultra-low power profile, making it ideal for personal area networks (PANs) used in mobile, consumer and IoT-connected products. Leveraging patented technologies, SPARK Microsystems strives to minimize and ultimately eliminate wires and batteries from a wide range of applications while delivering a wired-like performance. For more information, please visit​ Contact Details Jenna Beaucage +1 508-340-6851 Company Website

October 05, 2023 10:08 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Tiziana Advances Phase 2 Site Selection for Its Lead Clinical Program in Non-Active Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (SPMS) and The Company Prepares for Six-Month Clinical Data Update


By Rachael Green, Benzinga Tiziana Life Sciences Ltd. (NASDAQ: TLSA) recently announced the Company has initiated site selection for its lead intranasal anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody drug candidate “foralumab” program entering Phase 2a clinical testing in non-active Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (na-SPMS) patients. In total, the multi-center clinical trial will have six to ten new clinical trial sites across the US. According to the Company, another key data milestone is expected soon at the ECTRIMS conference, which will detail the results from the expanded access program after six months of treatment. Investors should take note, as this is a significant event for the company through providing six-month clinical results on the second cohort of four patients (numbers 3-6), and also providing a PET scan which shows neuroinflammation in the brain (microglia). ECTRIMS is the world’s largest research meeting in multiple sclerosis and will be held October 11-13 in Milan, Italy. Tiziana also recently announced the acceptance of a publication in the prestigious journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) of its study validating the mechanism of action (MoA) using intranasally administered foralumab in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The published study concluded that “nasal anti-CD3 has the potential to be a non-toxic novel immunotherapeutic approach for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD)”, which further supports the Company’s hypothesis for the use of foralumab in neurodegenerative disease. Key highlights from the Journal included: The authors conclude that “nasal anti-CD3 has the potential to be a non-toxic novel immunotherapeutic approach for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease (AD)” FDA has cleared the IND for intranasal foralumab, a fully human anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody, for human study in mild to moderate Alzheimer’s Disease The publication shows anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody (mAb) administered intranasally, ameliorates disease in a 3xTg model of Alzheimer’s disease by targeting microglial activation in the brain, while expanding regulatory T cells in the periphery Remarkably, this reduced microglial activation and improved cognition occurs independent of amyloid beta disposition. The full publication can be found HERE Tiziana’s Foralumab Is A Promising Treatment With Potential To Treat Multiple Neurological Diseases “The anti-CD3 target is established and it’s validated,” said Tiziana COO and CMO Mathew Davis at a recent conference. “We are the only company that is delivering this intranasally. We are the only company that is in the clinic with a fully human anti-CD3 antibody.” The anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody used in Tiziana’s Foralumab binds to the CD3 receptor on the surface of T cells, typically used as a way to suppress the immune system to prevent transplant rejection or treat autoimmune disease. The challenge in treating these kinds of conditions has long been finding the balance between suppressing the immune response to protect the patient without harming the body’s ability to fight off actual threats like viral infections and bacteria. However, research shows that anti-CD3 antibodies can do just that. They are able to selectively dampen the autoimmune response – when the dysregulated immune system attacks the body’s own cells and tissue – without limiting its ability to detect and respond to external threats. The promising new treatment approach has already sparked interest from pharmaceutical industry leaders like Sanofi SA (NASDAQ: SNY), which just acquired an anti-CD3 therapy being developed for type 1 diabetes in a $2.9 billion acquisition of Provention Bio, Inc. Tiziana’s Foralumab is the only anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody treatment in clinical trials that is fully human — a significant differentiator as these tend to come with fewer adverse reactions than those that are genetically engineered. It’s also the only one that’s delivered via an intranasal spray, making it less invasive than an infusion and allowing it to travel directly to the T cells in the patient’s lymph nodes. In the neurological diseases that Tiziana is focused on, this formulation has allowed its lead drug candidate to bind to regulatory T cells, then these T cells activate and create Tregs which are specifically tasked with maintaining homeostasis and preventing the immune system from attacking itself. Once Foralumab creates these Tregs, they can cross through the blood-brain barrier and help fight neuroinflammation at its source. Tiziana Highlights Past Results And Upcoming Milestones Across Foralumab Clinical Trials During a recent investor conference, Davis focused on the exciting results Tiziana has seen so far from its clinical trials and highlighted some of the upcoming milestones and plans for the year ahead. Its lead program is in non-active secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS), a more severe stage of the debilitating disease that currently has no FDA-approved treatment. Instead, the standard of care typically involves treating the patient with Ocrelizumab, an anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody sold under the brand name Ocrevus by Genentech, a subsidiary of Hoffmann-La Roche AG (OTCQX: RHHBY). But the drug is not always as effective for SPMS patients as it is for other forms of MS. In fact, Davis noted that all of the patients in its clinical trials had previously tried Ocrelizumab and discontinued it when their symptoms continued to progress. In its ongoing expanded access program, for example, the Tiziana COO and CMO spoke about a patient who had discontinued the anti-CD20 treatment in 2021 when his condition had become so bad that he could no longer walk more than 100 feet without assistance. The non-active SPMS patient enrolled in Tiziana’s expanded access program in January 2022. “By the end of 2022, he was able to walk without assistance,” Davis said. “He’s back in his job and, as of this recording, he continues to walk without assistance.” In the biopharma’s most recent data readout, other patients from the expanded access program started to show similar improvement. Three of the four patients currently enrolled saw their fatigue scores decrease after three months. Meanwhile, a phase 1 trial found that microglia – a part of the innate immune system inside the brain – had significantly decreased activation in the brains of 5 out of 6 treated patients after three months. Davis said another data readout is expected soon, detailing the results from the expanded access program after six months of treatment. Tiziana has begun clinical site selection and plans to start a phase 2a trial in non-active SPMS before the end of this year with topline data expected by the end of 2024. The clinical-stage biopharma is also investigating Foralumab for Alzheimer’s disease (AD), another progressive neurological disease with an urgent need for better treatment options. Tiziana just received FDA approval to begin a phase 2 study in AD, and the company plans to launch that trial in the first half of next year. A press release on the acceptance from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) can be found HERE along with the full publication HERE titled “Nasal Administration of anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody (mAb) ameliorates disease in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease”. To learn more about Tiziana, click HERE This post contains sponsored content. This content is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be investing advice. Contact Details Benzinga +1 877-440-9464 Company Website

October 05, 2023 09:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Interactive Strength Works To Sign Binding Acquisition Agreement That Would Transform The Digital Fitness Company Into A Profitable, High-Growth Business Across B2B and B2C Markets


By Rachael Green, Benzinga Interactive Strength, Inc. (NASDAQ: TRNR), doing business as FORME, is currently working towards signing a definitive agreement to acquire a connected hardware “target” after announcing a non-binding letter of intent last month. The combined Company is projected to generate $10 million in 2023, more than $25 million in gross revenue in 2024, and is expected to be cashflow positive and adjusted EBITDA profitable by the fourth quarter of 2024. The potential transaction is expected to accelerate FORME’s commercialization path, result in immediate scale across all functions and create a high-growth and profitable platform that sells connected ​hardware/​software ​fitness ​platform​ across B2B and B2C channels. The premium smart home gym and virtual personal training provider is aiming to execute a definitive acquisition agreement by the fourth quarter of this year. Here are some of the growth opportunities investors can look for as FORME works toward a binding agreement by the end of this year. The Potential Acquisition Would Create A Significantly Scaled Up Connected Fitness Equipment Business “We believe this will be a transformational acquisition that can accelerate our commercialization path,” said FORME Founder and CEO Trent Ward. “We expect this transaction can help us achieve immediate scale across all of our cost centers, resulting in a high-growth, profitable platform that sells connected fitness equipment and digital fitness services across B2B and B2C channels.” In addition to scaling FORME’s sales, engineering, logistics and other functions, the connected fitness acquisition would be a synergistic merger that would immediately create cross-selling opportunities across both FORME’s and the target’s customer base. It also has the potential to bring in a strong B2B distribution partner for FORME’s premium smart home gym equipment, allowing FORME to ramp up its commercialization efforts. Combined, FORME and the target acquisition are projected to bring in over $10 million in gross revenue for 2023 and over $25 million in for 2024, achieving both positive cash flow and positive adjusted EBITDA by the fourth quarter of next year. The Upside Potential Of FORME’s Transition To A B2B-Led Platform Right now, FORME primarily targets the B2C market, offering smart home gym equipment and a variety of virtual personal training plans directly to consumers. But as the rapid decline of Peloton (NASDAQ: PTON) suggests, that home fitness market just isn’t big enough to sustain long-term growth as post-pandemic consumers return to the gym. Peloton recently reported net losses of over $241 million for its fourth quarter, as sales and subscriptions continue to decline. FORME has a differentiated market strategy that addresses changing consumer habits and developed a flexible approach to its B2C segment. The Company offers both premium equipment and a range of monthly subscription options at different price points that offer live one-on-one coaching with a personal trainer through the user’s connected fitness mirror or their mobile device. But its biggest growth opportunity comes from its pivot into the B2B space, delivering its equipment and services to hotels, gyms and other enterprise customers that want to offer premium fitness options to their customers. FORME has already made some moves in this B2B channel but the potential acquisition, which is said to derive most of its sales from the B2B space, would dramatically increase its exposure to that more profitable, more scalable market. This would allow FORME to become a B2B-led platform while still maintaining and growing its B2C channel, potentially sidestepping the profitability challenges faced by Peloton and other B2C-focused companies in the connected fitness space. In an August report on FORME, Goldman Small Cap Research calls the digital fitness platform “a rare, high growth, low valuation firm offering significant upside potential.” Goldman cited the potential acquisition slated for the fourth quarter as well as the opportunity for similar deals in the future as FORME targets other acquisitions over the next few years. To watch a video with the product in action, CLICK HERE This post contains sponsored content. This content is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be investing advice. Contact Details Benzinga +1 877-440-9464 Company Website

October 05, 2023 09:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Pro League Network, NBA Legend Kevin Garnett and Big Ticket Sports to Launch “str33t,” 3x3 Pro Streetball League

Pro League Network

Pro League Network (PLN), the leading sports entertainment company producing fun, bettable sports, and Kevin Garnett’s sports venture arm Big Ticket Sports announced today a joint-venture to launch str33t, a new 3x3 professional streetball-style basketball league. The first str33t series is expected to launch in early 2024 and will feature teams competing over 4 weeks from some of the best streetball cities. Players will compete as men, women and co-ed teams and play under FIBA 3x3 rules with daily and season-long prize pools. Teams will square off in a round robin format culminating in a final championship. 3x3 basketball debuted as an Olympic sport at the Tokyo Olympics. “HoopItUp is the leader in 3x3 and I’m excited to work with the PLN team to create a professional series with str33t that gives the incredible 3x3 players a major platform to show what they can do to fans across the country,” said Garnett. With the partnership, Kevin Garnett, and Big Ticket Sports become investors in PLN, which recently announced its seed funding from IA Ventures and Eberg Capital. Garnett will also advise on the strategic direction of the str33t league. Big Ticket Sports owns and operates HoopItUp, the grassroots 3x3 basketball tour which has had millions of participants in city-based events since 1989. “The fast-paced 3x3 games along with the raw and organic energy of streetball is going to be so exciting for these co-ed professional ballers,” said PLN co-founders Bill Yucatonis and Mike Salvaris. “And to build it with an NBA legend and leader like KG is at a whole other level." With roots in urban areas in the U.S. since the 1980s, 3x3 has become one of the most popular forms of basketball worldwide in recent years. The Olympics introduced 3x3 basketball to its basketball program at the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics. “With the average 3x3 basketball game taking less than 20 minutes, we believe str33t is tailormade for digital consumption and sports betting. We are thrilled to be collaborating with Bill, Mike and the PLN team on this dynamic venture,” said George Daniel, CEO of Big Ticket Sports and HoopItUp. The str33t brand was created with Cannes Lions-winning Director and Producer, Wayne Holloway, whose experience spans sports, music, film and television, including his role as Director of the famous Adidas House Party Originals starring Garnett, David Beckham, Young Jeezy, Missy Elliott and more. Launched in Dec. 2022, PLN creates a new type of sports entertainment that combines its unique sports portfolio with established creator audiences and the team’s deep expertise in regulated wagering markets. The result is the creation of compelling watch’n’wager content that is fun for sports fans and allows sportsbooks to better monetize their peaks and valleys of schedule with compliant, regulated and professional sports content. The company recently announced its seed funding round, led by Roger Ehrenberg via IA Ventures and Eberg Capital, and named gaming industry veterans Chris Grove (Acies Capital, Eilers & Krejcik) and Jeff Ma (ESPN, Microsoft) as Advisors. PLN’s portfolio of over 16 brands and growing includes sports like viral sensations World Putting League, CarJitsu Championship and SlapFIGHT Championship, as well as emerging sports like XTreme Long Drive, Pro Footgolf, National Carrom League, Strongman, T3 TouchTennis, Beastball and more. PLN sports are carried by some of the nation’s largest sportsbooks including DraftKings, Bet365 and Betfred and are available for wagering in over a dozen states including New Jersey, Tennessee, Arizona, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Illinois, and more, plus in several countries including Canada, UK and Australia. PLN streams its sports and programming live via its social channels and owned and operated sites. PLN sports have aired via several distribution partners, including live streaming on The Action Network and The Hammer and customized social media content on Betr Media and Dimers. The company recently created PLN Studios in Branson, Missouri, and signed a platform deal with BrinxTV and Trilith Studios in Atlanta to create live and recorded made-for-wagering and shoulder content to expand the audience of its sports brands and athletes. For more information, please visit and About Pro League Network Pro League Network ( is a sports entertainment company headquartered in New York City that is focused on creating, fun, exclusive niche sports brands developed for broadcast audiences and betting. PLN readies and monitors each sport for wagering, as well as produces, distributes and monetizes each sport through wagering, sponsorship and affiliate. PLN’s portfolio of 16 sports includes the viral sensations World Putting League Championship and CarJitsu Championship, among others. PLN has raised funding from IA Ventures and EBerg Capital, and counts Chris Grove, Jeff Ma and Kevin Garnett, among others, as Advisors. About Big Ticket Sports Owned by NBA MVP and Hall of Famer Kevin Garnett, Big Ticket Sports ( is dedicated to creating dynamic sports and experiential events. Big Ticket Sports owns and operates the iconic HoopItUp 3x3 basketball ( and KickIt Soccer 3v3 soccer as well as providing event activation for clients such as the NBA. Since its inception 30 years ago, Hoop It Up has been the largest 3x3 basketball tour, recognized as the most prolific grassroots basketball tour with millions of worldwide participants. Big Ticket Sports is managed by former National Lacrosse League Commissioner George Daniel. Contact Details Str33t Media Company Website

October 05, 2023 08:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Dash Woes Continues As Exchanges Shun Privacy Coins. Is Borroe.Finance the Top AI Crypto?

Blockchain Digest

The world of cryptocurrencies is filled with constant developments and challenges. Recently, Dash, a well-known privacy-focused cryptocurrency, has encountered a significant setback, leading to more exchanges shunning the coin. In the midst of Dash's woes, Borroe.Finance ($ROE) stands out as a leading AI cryptocurrency. >>BUY $ROE TOKENS NOW<< Dash's Production Halt Raises Concerns The crypto community recently received concerning news regarding Dash's blockchain. Samuel Westrich, the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Dash Core Group, took to Twitter to inform users about issues related to the v19 activation of Dash Core. Westrich revealed that the Dash blockchain had encountered problems, leading to a complete halt in block production. An ongoing investigation is underway to determine the root cause of the issue, with Westrich pledging to provide further updates on Twitter once more information becomes available. In the wake of these challenges, the Binance cryptocurrency exchange has taken the precautionary measure of temporarily suspending the distribution of DASH mining rewards. This decision by one of the world's largest crypto exchanges adds to the uncertainty surrounding Dash and its future. Exchanges Shun Privacy Coins Dash's recent troubles are not occurring in isolation. Exchanges have been increasingly cautious about listing and supporting privacy-focused cryptocurrencies due to regulatory concerns and potential risks associated with these coins. Dash, known for its privacy features, has faced growing scrutiny from regulators and exchanges alike. This shift in sentiment towards privacy coins highlights the importance of transparency and compliance in the evolving crypto landscape. As exchanges take steps to align with regulatory guidelines, some coins, including Dash, find themselves facing challenges. Borroe.Finance ($ROE): The Leading AI Crypto Amid the uncertainties surrounding privacy coins like Dash, Borroe.Finance ($ROE) emerges as a standout in the cryptocurrency space. Borroe.Finance is not only immune to the privacy coin regulatory issues but also offers a unique value proposition as an AI-powered cryptocurrency. Borroe.Finance operates as an AI-powered funding marketplace that empowers content creators and participants within the Web3 ecosystem. This innovative platform allows users to access immediate cash by trading their future earnings, including income streams from subscriptions, invoices, royalties, and more. It represents a pioneering approach to finance and embraces the future of AI technology in the crypto world. >>BUY $ROE TOKENS NOW<< Why Borroe.Finance is the Top AI Crypto Borroe.Finance's status as the leading AI cryptocurrency is underpinned by its commitment to financial innovation and technological advancement. The platform's versatility and inclusivity make it an attractive option for both retail and institutional investors. Borroe.Finance's ongoing presale, with over 94 million $ROE tokens available at just $0.0150 per token, offers a compelling opportunity for those seeking the best crypto investment for long-term growth. As the crypto landscape continues to evolve, Borroe.Finance's AI-driven approach remains ahead of the curve. While Dash grapples with challenges and regulatory scrutiny, $ROE stands as a beacon of innovation, resilience, and financial empowerment. Don't Miss Out on Borroe.Finance's Presale For investors seeking a crypto investment with strong potential, Borroe.Finance's presale presents an enticing prospect. In a world where regulatory uncertainties can impact the fate of cryptocurrencies, $ROE's unique AI funding marketplace offers a way to navigate the changing tides of the crypto market. While Dash faces hurdles, Borroe.Finance charts a different path—one that embraces AI, financial inclusivity, and long-term growth. For those in search of the top crypto coins or a good crypto to buy today, Borroe.Finance ($ROE) stands out as a promising choice in the ever-evolving world of digital assets. Learn more about Borroe.Finance ($ROE) here: Visit Borroe.Finance Presale | Join The Telegram Group | Follow Borroe on Twitter Contact Details Borroe Finance

October 04, 2023 10:30 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Will Cardano (ADA), Borroe.Finance ($ROE) or SUI (SUI) Reach $1 First?

Blockchain Digest

NFT trading volume has been declining leading to fears about how Cardano's (ADA) network activity will be affected. Likewise, Sui (SUI) has been on a consistent fall since it launched its Mainnet in May 2023. Meanwhile, analysts say profit projections seem to lie with Borroe.Finance, the decentralized lending marketplace. $ROE is already one of the most popular new ICOs. Yet, can it outclass ADA and SUI? Let's see what analysts are saying. >>BUY $ROE TOKENS NOW<< Borroe.Finance ($ROE): Connecting Web 3 Businesses to Easy Loans Timely and efficient funding is crucial to the development of any sector of the business world. This is more true of the Web 3 industry, which often struggles to find funding opportunities. With a strong recognition of this need, Borroe.Finance ($ROE) was created. The platform uses community-based lending to create efficient avenues to instant cash. Borroe.Finance companies raise funding from supportive communities by facilitating the trade of future and outstanding invoices. When users want to raise funds on Borroe.Finance, they allocate future earnings that they'll sell at discounted prices. Once allocated, these future invoices are minted into collateralized NFTs and placed on a live market. Borroe.Finance's creative use of NFTs to solve real-world problems makes it one of the top DeFi projects. Furthermore, perks like discounted marketplace fees, priority notifications, and voting rewards make Borroe.Finance ($ROE) attractive to investors. Over 100 million $ROE tokens have been sold since the start of Borroe.Finance’s presale. $ROE's current price is $0.0150 in Stage 2 of its presale. When $ROE's presale ends, it would have grown by 166.6% to reach $0.0400. Projections are pretty realistic, considering its Beta Stage investors have already pocketed 50% ROI to date. >>BUY $ROE TOKENS NOW<< Cardano (ADA) Affected by Decline In NFT Market A report from CryptoSlam shows a consistent decline in NFT trading volume. The reports have caused concern in Cardano's (ADA) community. Cardano (ADA) has become one of the most popular NFT networks in recent years. Yet, the decline in general NFT activity is set to affect Cardano's user adoption. As Cardano's community panicked over falling NFT activity, ADA has fallen in the market following the September market crash. ADA was trading at $0.27 on August 29. By September 25, it fell by 11.1% to $0.24 as the market was overwhelmed with bearish pressures. Cardano's falling DeFi activity will undoubtedly affect ADA’s possible recovery. Analysts say Cardano's (ADA) falling adoption will worsen as it faces competition from Solana and Ethereum. With Cardano's continued decline in NFT activity, ADA could drop to $0.22. SUI Records Sharp Drop Since Mainnet Launch in May The bearish pressures in the market over the past few months have taken a sharp toll on Sui. Despite launching its mainnet on May 3, 2023, SUI has fallen sharply. The September 1 market crash has worsened SUI's market performance. It was trading at $0.58 on August 27. By September 1, the market crashed, sending SUI's price down by 17.2% to $0.48. The bearish pressure continued, causing SUI to close at $0.44 on September 25, falling by 8.3%. SUI has lost over 50% value from its May 3 price of $1.40 after its mainnet launch. Given the rising bearish pressures, analysts say SUI might not recover until next year. If this happens, SUI could fall to $0.39. Learn more about Borroe.Finance ($ROE) here: Visit Borroe.Finance Presale | Join The Telegram Group | Follow Borroe.Finance on Twitter Contact Details Blockchain Digest Team

October 04, 2023 10:01 AM Eastern Daylight Time

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Revenue Management Solutions, iMotions Partner to Unlock Revenue Opportunities through Menu Optimization

Revenue Management Solutions

Revenue Management Solutions (RMS), a global provider of data-driven analytics and tech-enabled solutions for restaurants, has partnered with iMotions, the world's leading software platform for studying the drivers behind human behavior, to deploy the latest human behavior technologies to improve menu engineering and unlock revenue opportunities. The partnership connects restaurant brands with the iMotions software suite, an advanced human behavior research tool with cloud data collection features. iMotions’ unique cloud-based solution uses a participant’s own webcam and a browser interface to collect data using eye tracking, facial expression and emotion recognition technologies, allowing for research to be deployed among any audience at any time, anywhere in the world. RMS then analyzes the research, giving restaurant brands exclusive access to unique metrics like the RMS Focus Score™, which quantifies consumers’ focus across the menu using multiple factors such as average duration and revisits to specific locations on the menu. The research can reveal what information consumers are truly processing on restaurant menus versus simply skimming the content. Restaurant brands gain a clearer understanding of how participants view online restaurant menus and the factors influencing their ordering behavior. RMS then applies more than 25 years of industry-leading data analytics expertise for some of the world’s largest restaurant brands to uncover opportunities for menu optimization and profit potential. “The way consumers engage with restaurants has completely transformed, but many menus are still designed based on pre-digital guidelines,” said Ryan Garner, Director of Research and Consumer Analytics at RMS. “Our pilot study identified clear gaze paths, dead spots and hot spots in digital restaurant menus — information we can translate into profit-building menu insights for our clients.” RMS and iMotions conducted the first pilot study using online eye-tracking and online facial expression analysis in late 2022, confirming that the medium affects where consumers begin when viewing an online menu (gaze paths), what they skip (dead spots) and where they spend their time (hot spots). RMS also tested when customers are most open to suggestive selling and what types of content are most impactful. These insights challenged conventional industry practices and allowed for advancement in menu engineering, all designed to drive profitability. “The restaurant business is the latest industry to recognize how the study of nonconscious behaviors using biometric technologies can challenge conventional wisdom and unlock new opportunities,” said Peter Hartzbech, iMotions Founder and CEO. “Consumer preferences, habits and lifestyles constantly evolve, and what were once impactful perspectives change. Those willing to tap into these modern tools and technologies will better understand today’s consumers and emerge most successful, while those who choose to stick with the status quo will fall behind.” The announcement builds on a collaboration that first began in 2019 with revolutionary menu design research in labs at the University of South Florida’s Muma College of Business. The study was regarded as the most comprehensive consumer menu ordering examination in 30 years. Contact RMS today to learn how menu research can benefit your restaurant. ### About Revenue Management Solutions Revenue Management Solutions (RMS) is committed to supporting restaurants through ever-changing times. Today, more than 50 major brands in 40-plus countries trust RMS. Its data-driven analytics and tech-enabled solutions optimize sales, menus and a brand’s financial health. RMS provides actionable insights to more than 100,000 restaurant locations worldwide to help them make informed business decisions that drive profitability and combat inflation and rising wages. The company holds five US patents on menu pricing and customer segmentation and supports ongoing academic research efforts. For more information on how RMS helps its clients, visit About iMotions Founded in 2005 and headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark, iMotions, a SaaS company, has developed the world’s leading human behavior software platform. More than 1,300 organizations around the world — from leading academic institutions to global brands to highly respected healthcare organizations — use iMotions to access real-time and nonconscious emotional, cognitive and behavioral data. By integrating and synchronizing all types of sensors into a single platform, iMotions provides researchers with access to deeper and richer insights — and the most complete picture of human behavior. For more information, visit Contact Details For RMS: Tracy Henderson +1 720-989-3530 For iMotions: Todd Graff +1 617-309-0401 Company Website

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