Mako Gold extends Tchaga North target
Melbourne, Victoria
March 06, 2024 10:30 AM Eastern Standard Time
Mako Gold Ltd (ASX:MKG) managing director Peter Ledwidge joins Jonathan Jackson in the studio to talk through an extension of Tchaga North prospect at the Napié Gold Project in Côte d’Ivoire. High-grade rock chip samples from the new Double Zone at Tchaga North indicates a target with 250 metres of strike length.The new Double Zone sits on the western greenstone-granite contact at Napié, an area Mako considers to be a high-priority drill target. Ledwidge will join the company’s general manager of exploration this week to spend five weeks on-site, for on-the-ground evaluation of the new high-grade targets and for due diligence on the potential Goldridge transaction. He will also meet with the Ministry of Mines to talk about the reapplication process for Napie, which is on track and expected to be granted shortly.
Ledwidge said: “The newly named Double Zone which is aptly named for the two parallel artisanal mining sites with associated east-west quartz veining, has expanded significantly. The consistent high-grade rock chip results at Double Zone along with its increasing strike length and width potential makes this a compelling high-priority drill target."
Contact Details
Proactive Investors
Jonathan Jackson
+61 413 713 744